公司簡介 Introduction of Hytung

北京時代瀚堂科技有限公司是一家位於海淀上地北京留學人員海淀創業園區內的高科技公司,由在北美的留學人員回國創立。公司融合國內和北美地區先進的中英文資訊提取和中英文全文庫 技術,包括自然中文處理、檢索引擎、知識管理、資料發現和檔案加密等先進技術,專注于中英文資料庫產品的引進和開發建設,及其在書刊出版、資料服務和檔案管理等行業的應用。依靠領先的技術、豐富的產品內容、優秀的本地化 服務,獲得了廣大用戶的好評,截至目前已有包括中國社會科學院、清華大學、首都師範大學、北京師範大學、曲阜師範大學、華東師範大學、浙江師範大學、西南大學、南京中醫藥大學、上海圖書館、南京圖書館、浙江圖書館等幾十 家機構用戶在使用我們的系統。


Introduction of Hytung

The Hytung Company is located in the Science Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China. The founders of this company have all received higher level degrees in North America and have developed their skills in advanced technologies such as Chinese language processing, search engines, data management, data discovery and file encryption. They have especially focused on developing a Chinese/English database, publishing an ancient dictionary database, filing management service and new technology to manage 70,000 characters.

Through the expansive content of this new technology they have been able to provide outstanding service to many universities and libraries in China. This includes Tsinghua University, Capital Library, Capital Museum, Shanghai Library, Zhejiang Library and other institutions.

Our purpose is to preserve original Chinese documents by use of new technology through the unicode standard and in so doing enrich human knowledge.